Monday, February 9, 2009


Why are we given likes and dislikes, dreams and hopes?

I don't believe we are given these things just to find a typical 9-5 job that we do because we have to, and hating it the entire time we are there. I have worked at jobs where I come home at night exhausted and frustrated but don't want to go to bed because that will mean morning will come and I'll have to go to work again that much sooner. I have had jobs that I hated, and jobs that were o.k. there was even the odd job that I liked... for a while.

The problem was I was always trying to work to be able to afford to do what I like, rather than putting what I like doing to work for me. I think we are all given different wants and desires for a reason, and that more people need to be told that "you can do whatever you want" and have them know it's true.

No matter what you decide you want to do, if you concentrate on your goals and it's something you love, it will happen and you will be happy.

I never wanted to go into nursing. It was something I started because it was "smart". I would always have a job, make decent money and there was room to grow into different areas. So after many people telling me that I should, or had to, I decided that I would. I am almost a year into my schooling, and am already unmotivated, and dragging myself there trying to "stick-it-out". And I haven't even gotten into the work force yet. Think that is setting me up to be one of those miserable nurses that everyone knows shouldn't be working with people???

Anyways, I have decided, as of today, that I am going to be changing programs and going into something different. Something I want to do, not worrying about my mom, boyfriend, teachers, etc. Good advice is always accepted, but I am going to decide for myself.

I have always loved business and have always wanted to own my own business. I also love fashion, art, and writing. I haven't 100% decided exactly what I want to do yet. I know it is going to start with a job and working on the current home based business I already am working, ACN.

I am actually very excited and it is very liberating to know that I am going to chase my dreams and do what I want. I know that I am going to be successful and that things are going to go great! I can't wait to see what happens, where things go, and the new things I learn!!

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