Saturday, August 22, 2009

Starting New

I woke up this morning with the itch to write again. I can't explain it but I get these strong urges to write and feel like I have something to say that other people need to read. I just don't know what that is yet.

I figure the best place is to start is by writing, just writing what is on my mind and what is going on with me and see where that takes us. If you are reading this and have something specific you would like to read, let me know!

I just went through a disappointing week, we thought we were going to be able to buy a house and the deal fell through last minute. I was bummed out for about a day, then made myself stop and think about things. There is a reason this didn't work; there is something better out there! Just in the last two days, bigger and nicer houses have gone on the market in our town for the same or less then we would have paid for the house we were looking at. It made me realize that spending time getting bummed out over stuff isn't worth it, I just need to figure out what we are supposed to do instead and I am excited to do that!

I just started reading "The Law of Attraction,The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't" By Michael J. Losier, and I decided that I was going to start a 30 day trial of reassessing my outlook and practicing the Law of Attraction, and I would keep a diary of my actions and results on here.

I watched "The Secret" almost 2 years ago now and was amazed at the simpleness of it and how true it rang with me. I am normally a big skeptic and if things don't sound plausible or seem to easy I am looking for the catch. I never felt that and after watching "The Secret" I became a vacuum! I read everything I could find, watch the movie over and over... even downloaded the MP3 file and listened to it every night before bed and in the car!

I have seen some huge changes and things that looking back I know came as a result of learning about the Law of Attraction and practicing it.

The biggest challenge I have found is that when things are going good I am a pro at being positive and thankful for everything. Once a crisis arises I know that I let things slip. I think it all comes down to being aware and building habits and routines that are not what we are used to. We like stressing when things are out of our control, we forget to be thankful even though at the moment things aren't perfect and we in general I believe aren't positive by nature.

The one thing I am learning is that by trying to be consistent during the positive times and working on building good habits of thinking and feeling good even though not everything is under my control, is that the bad times don't seem to be as dramatic and I get control over my thoughts and moods very quickly. I think this comes just from being told (and reminding myself) that it is possible. We let our emotions run on auto-pilot for most of our lives, and training myself to 'stop, breath and be happy' regardless of the situation is making life much easier.

When I realize that I am stressing or being negative I stop, take a breath and then think of all the things I do have to be thankful for and it instantly starts making me happier. This in itself is a feeling of control. Because I can't control what goes on in the world surrounding me, but I can control how I feel about things!

I am going to read the first few chapters of the book and start blogging on my trial tomorrow.


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